Thursday, June 30, 2005


It's here, it's here, it's finally here!!!!

I called the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia this morning and our residence visa is HERE!!!
So tomorrow morning I have to drive to the Embassy to submit our passports and application forms and documents and stuff so that they can get it stamped.
I am actually a bit apprehensive about driving to what may be the most congested part of town, but I'll brave it out, coz it means I'm finally gonna be with my husband again soon!! woo hoooo!!
Taufik will be back on the 6th, and he is currently booking flights and stuff and we're planning to leave either on the 13th, 14th or 15th of July.. depending on which flight arrangement would require the least hassle (read: not having to wake up the kids at 4:30am all cranky, or arrive in Al-Khobar at 4am all jet lagged and hyper one moment and all sleepy and cranky the next..)

The sad thing is, my mom is still in Seattle. She's only reaching home on the 17th.. so I wont get to see her before I leave .. :(
But the good news is, I have a webcam!! and my sister in Seattle is getting herself a webcam (i think), so then one of these days we can have a video chat before we pack up the computer.
My mom is 'totally bummed out' (Didi's words) about not getting to give me a proper send off, but I assured her that I'll be back in December, Insya-Allah.

Oh wow.. so lots and lotsa things to do..
1. Get our passport stamped. (due 1st July)
2. Finish my Tsunami script. (due 1st July)
3. Reply Famygirl's questionnaire (due 4th July)
4. Pack (due 13 July)
5. Pick up passport and get Ilham's documents certified and ready for school registration (due 13th July)
6. I already one farewell party to go to next weekend.
7. I would have to throw a thankyou party for Taska Salsaabila (My kids' kindergarten) ..

hm.. now that I've got it listed out, it doesnt seem like much...
I've got to get to doing number 2 NOW.

so erm.. I'll be restraining from blogging for the next few days. I swear. I'll be trying my best. I really need to finish that script.

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