Since tomorrow is Friday and most of my relatives and friends in Malaysia will be starting their eid holidays soon after, I'd like to make sure I get all my wishes and asking for forgiveness over with before you guys go off(-line).
Eid Mubarak!!
Happy Holidays!!
Drive Safely!!
Selamat Hari Raya!!
Maaf Zahir Batin!!
Maafkan segala terkasar bahasa, tersilap kata, tersalah type... (and terlupa nak singgah or comment).
Hope you guys have a safe and joyous holiday, and I hope that all your deeds during Ramadhan were fruitful and accepted by Allah.
Makan ketupat, lemang, nasi dagang mama, rendang cikgu munah, serunding bilis mak andak, sambal belacan mak su, nasi ayam pak teh.. ingat-ingat lah kami yang dok jauh di perantauan nih...
adeiiih dah sebak dah...

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