Sunday, September 30, 2007

"My Family" by Ihsan

click picture to enlarge

Ihsan saw me tinkling around with photoshop the other day and he wanted to have a go at it. So I let him play around with it, cautioning him though, that it might me a little difficult since the application is more advanced than the average MSPaint that he is so used to using.

Last night he excitingly showed me this drawing he made all on his own. I was quite impressed! Even I didnt know that there were these brushes available. tee hee.

Maybe I should have him design my logo, eh?


  1. Hey, this is really nice. I think whatever artistic genes we have are pooling in Ihsan! By the way, do you have a child who is celebrating his/her birthday today? I'm like, I know someone has a binary baby, but who is it? Must be the engineer!

  2. heh heh.. yeah, today is ihsan's birthday. And it's Taufik's birthday as well.

  3. Anonymous3:16 PM

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  4. Anonymous3:17 PM


    happy birthday to both of them...


