Sunday, September 16, 2007

Efx2 reincarnated!!

Oh jubilations!!

If you don't know yet, efx2 has been reincarnated as efx2blogs.
And the best news is, Keith is able to transfer our posts from efx2 over to the new blog.
Please read this post on how you can get your posts restored.
You'd have to create a username on first though, so sign up here.

Keith is using Wordpress MU as the ... erm basic building block? .. of efx2blogs, and he hasn't modified it much, so it's not exactly like efx2. He said he'll get around to it sooner or later.

I'm still unsure as to where to park my posts. I sure hate to move coz people often get confused and then lose me all together, but .. we'll see. If efx2blogs has all the features that efx2 had, I might move there and keep a back-up here or something.
We'll see, we'll see.

Right now I am just so happy I'm gonna get my posts back!


  1. was wondering why i couldn't get into any of the efx2 blogs! did a google search and found you here. glad you're still up and running. :)

  2. Hehehe yeah you'd have to keep us informed where you'd post.

    I definitely will want to go to Khobar perhaps in December. (I'm going back for raya 1st time in 4 years!) The Al Zamil shop here has closed down!!! Huwaaaaaa.

    Hows the humidity there? Its soo hot here still!

  3. aiyooo..hilang sini rupernyer...i thot sumthing wrong with my pc..nasib intan told me..hihhiii...

    reading your post on your kids calling you bonda tu, teringat maser i kecik kecik ader aunty neighbour tu, i call her aunty Da, shortform for bonda..perak nyer royalty..such a nice lady...wonder where she is now..

  4. I'm going to blog over there, but also keep my Blogger site up to archive my posts.

  5. Anonymous3:32 AM

    I've registered yay!! but have not received the email confirmation yet.

  6. ish macam pindah rumah and tukar no. hp ek.

    tiba-tiba rasa sunyiiiiiiii gitu, korang suma ilang.

    nak update my blog links pung tak tahu camner, lah.

    stay je lahhhh dalam blogspot, uollllls.....

  7. Anonymous5:27 AM

    thanks elisa! i've registered and i've got a new blog already horrey!!!!

    err, but no meaningful post there yet. will put up one later ok? network too slow and a bit overwhelmed today :)

  8. Alaaa, meh kat Wordpress je lah!! ;)
