Here's a space, just in case you want to wish me anything today ;)
I'm just humbled to still be alive and still be a practicing muslim.
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12 years ago
happy birthday to you...
ReplyDeletehappy birthday to you..
happy birthday to elisa....
happy birthday to you....
Goddest Forever!!
ReplyDeleteI wish you Allah's Rahman and Rahim, murah rezeki, dipelihara iman and hopefully all your (and ours) good deeds diterima Allah swt.
p/s: what's your wish lists? (sajer jer tanya bukang buleh beri pong :p)
happy besday elisa! moga dimurahkan rezeki.
ReplyDeleteehh happy birthday woman!
ReplyDeletedapat hadiah apa hari nie?
semoga pjg umur , murah rezki n tetap iman..amin...
selamat menyambut hari lahir!!!
ReplyDeletesemoga semuanya selamat, amin.
lahir kat ganung ke kl?
ReplyDeleteada wishing space lagi.
we share same birthday month yeay! (don't know why it excites me haha!)
anyways, may you always be one cool woman to all!
hahah.. lawak la kak elisa nih. got to know about your bday pun cos termasuk facebook tadi.. hehehe..
ReplyDeleteAnyway, just wanna wish you happy birthday and may Allah bless you always. :)
happy birthday elisa! wishing you many more fruitful years to come.
ReplyDeleteand like nonah, here's another september baby ehehehe.
ek eh wot a coincident... i wanted to tell you that i managed to sorokkan 1 beg-ijo (my fern bag) for you. Boleh la i kasi as pressie!!!!
ReplyDeletetapiiii, gimana nak beri, ek? give idea, can???
Anyway, Happy 16th Birthday, Elisaaaaaa!!!! mwaks!
Prayers that rezeki lebih murah, hidup bertambah bahagia and blessed, Aaaamiin!
16th birthday???? serious???? he he
ReplyDeletebila izani nak dpt adik..
selamat harijadi..
semoga dapat baby lagi
girl pula kali nie
everybody happy..
happy birthday kak lisa
ReplyDeletesemoga murah rezeki, panjang umur nanti share resepi lagi :)
muahhhss..muahhhss...muahhhss...happy birthday beb...
ReplyDeletemany more happy returns..insya Allah...
ReplyDeletehepi besday cek elisa tewww.. n salam ramadhann almubarak..
ReplyDelete3 more years and we're 40!!!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete*throws confetti*
ReplyDeletehappy birthday and selamat berpuasa!! :)
Happy birthday Elisa, semoga dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezki!
ReplyDeleteoh my, such great wishes!!
ReplyDeleteThankyou thankyou all!!
One of my wishlists is a bluetooth headphone for my nokia Xpressmusic, but after browsing the shops, I discoverd they dont exist :P
Taufik had bought me a nice notebook with a kebaya on it from Arch for our annivesary present, so I'm considering it my birthday present as well (bukan senang dia nak beli hadiah...)
I was born in Kg. Raja, Besut, Trengganu, which more like kelantan than trengganu, actually.
Alin, if Nina is ordering cookies, maybe can just pass through her?
Kalau tak, just tell me and I will email you my msian address :)
Thankyou all, again, for the wishes. All I can say is Amin... may Allah grant your prayers!
elisa, yes nina IS ordering ze kukis! i pun ingat nak pass beg ijo tu ke dia, nanti i balut dalam kotak eh, supaya nina tak guna dulu...hehehe
ReplyDeletehey you know i baru dapat choc covered dates you on saturday!!! THANK YOUUUU!!!!
Hi Elisa
ReplyDeleteSelamat hari jadi. Semoga dimanfaatkan umur dan diberkati rezeki.
Alin, alhamdulillahhhhh.. I ingatkan dah habis kena makan dek Ahy.. tee hee :)
ReplyDeleteYou like? Next year I buy some more.
Lela, Amin...! Thankyou for the wish :) Kirim salam to Jake.
Lambatnya I wish..Happy Birthday ya..yang ke berapa ni ya, 27 ke? ehem....
ReplyDeleteMay Allah Bless you always..