Tuesday, January 01, 2008

last few pictures of 2007

These are a few of the last pictures that were taken in 2007.

Izani relaxing by the pool. The water was too cold to swim in, so he decided to just chill...

Taufik and his 2 new girlfriends. I have to admit, they were more docile than me! :)

Me, shivering inside Bahrain Fort. Read lollies' post for more information on the fort.

Family picture in my living room, just before we said our goodbyes. All of my kids tak mandi pun lagi.
Note: look look.. I finally got my Kilim rug!!

Here's wishing for more pictures in 2008 :)


  1. Izani is lookin more you.

    such nice happy pics..tryin to download mine & failing each time, with patience - must be the NY bug.

  2. a very neat house. sekali tengok macam egyption house pun ada. Kilim rug? tak pernah dengar la. sorry la, neeza ni ulu sikit bab2 ni. dia buat dari apa? how much yek per piece? kalau neeza gi khobar, boleh buat cinnabun tak? hehehe.. *muka tak malu*

  3. swahili - I see you finally managed to upload those pictures!! :)

    neeza - you google lah 'kilim', memang dapat jumpa. This one is made of wool and natural dye, from Iran, beli kat Desert Design. Next time you datang Khobar, singgah lah ke rumah. You bawaklah keropok ikan parang ke, and I masak cinnamon buns, and kita pegi Desert Design.. hehh heh.

  4. dah check the thing. the price is tergezzuttt!! kena tunggu 2@3 tahun dulu le kot. kalau it is made in iran, murah sikit tak kalau beli kat iran. entah bila la tu nak pergi iran. keropok ikan parang?? nanti pegi menuntut dulu yek. best la you.. goddess in cooking, sewing, blogging, what else ye?

  5. kalau besar memanglah mahal.
    but mine is yang size paling keccciiiiikkkkkkkkkkk sekali.
    nak beli yang besar tak mampu *malu*

    Goddess? heh heh itu ilusi semata-mata!!!

  6. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Izani dah macam big boy sekarang...bila Aunty Lioness nak bawak Lil Cub jumpa dia ni?

  7. Hari hari tra, gambo dak tubek jugok.
    Hugs and kisses.

  8. happy new yr sis!u bkn kat msia eh?sorry missed the boat

  9. Happy new year 2008! NICE hols pics, Elisa. Drop by & see my pics of NZ at my blog, (first time I upload hol pics, teehee).

  10. salam elisa...

    Selamat tahun baru....maaf maklang ni datang tak berjemput...:)
