Tuesday, January 01, 2008

In Loving Memory, 2007

Don't mean to start 2008 on a sombre note, but I just want to acknowledge my friends who had lost their loved ones in the past year.
Not to remind them of the pain of the loss, but to remind them of the joys of their loved ones' lives, no matter how brief.
And perhaps to remind myself that amidst all my planning, there is a higher power that determines everything, so I need to be thankful for every little bit that I do have, especially every single person who are close to me. (That means, you! *hugs*)

Let's observe a moment of silence and respect for these loved ones lost within this past year (in no particular order):

Nazrah's mom
Lollies' brother
Dory's dad
Nutty and Syira's grandma
Ood's mom
Mosh's father
Kimmi's love of her life, her husband
Wal's newborn son

May they all be placed in their rightful spots in the afterlife. Insya-Allah.

I apologize if I forgot anybody. My memory is a little swiss cheese like. I keep forgetting to take my omega-3 pills to improve my memory.

*hugs you all*


  1. Anonymous9:23 AM

    So very like you, dear, to start of the new year not thinking of yourself but of others whom you love. I'm sure they appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

    Have a good and blessed 2008. :)

  2. oh my ... *malu* ... So very like you to think so highly of me *blush*

    The truth is, I felt a little guilty about going on and on about my good fortunes in the previous post... :P

    I'm wishing you a prosperous 2008 too, kenny!! :D

  3. Al-fatihah .
    I need the Omega3 thingy as well. Same-same leh kita ni. Is it too late ?

  4. ninuk, It's NEVER too late!!

    Go contact your nearest Shaklee or HPA dealer for your supply of Omega 3! :D

  5. elisataufik,

    thank you.

