"Banana Bread” is just a glamourized name for ‘Kek Pisang’.
I got this recipe, believe it or not, from Pearl Jam’s fanzine, Deep (Volume 1, Issue 1). Who’d thunk it, that I’d get recipes from one of the most respected rock bands of the decade (well, at least by me). The recipe was not from any of the members though (it was from one of their staffs), but what the hey.
I’ve made this 3 times and it turned out good e.v.e.r.y.t.i.m.e!
Pearl Jam’s Banana Bread
1 egg
¾ cups sugar
¼ cup butter/margarine (I used a 100g stick of butter, softened)
3 very ripe bananas, mashed fine
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 ½ cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
¼ tsp salt
Beat egg in a mixing bowl, add sugar and butter, cream mixture together. Add mashed bananas and vanilla, mix well. Sift flour, soda and salt, then add into the mixing bowl. Mix well, but do not over beat. Pour/turn into a loaf pan (I used a 5”by10” loaf pan), bake for 50 minutes in a 325deg F oven. (test cake before taking out)

The first 2 times I made it, I haven't got a loaf pan yet, so I used my circular spring form pan. The first time I made it, I think I overbeat the batter, so it turned out a bit dense. It still turned out tasting really good, but a little thin and not as fluffy as if I were to make it in a loaf pan.The second time I made it, I sliced the cake into two, sandwiched cream in between and put cream frosting with colourful sprinkles on the whole cake. Do I have to spell out y.u.m.m.e.h?
I finally got myself a loaf pan, and added chopped walnuts in the one pictured above and it gave an interesting nutty, textural dimension to it.
Happy Trying!
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