Here we go again, another trip back home!
Here's my tentative plan.

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Aside from the arrival and departure dates, the makan2 at Sabrina's on July 20th, the KLCC trip on July 21st, the kenduri (wedding reception) on July 26th, the trip to Besut-Perhentian-Merang-Kemaman-Kuantan from August 3rd to 10th, everything else is not really set in stone.
So if you want me to pencil you in, tell me.
We're planning a trip to Kuala Gandah to look at elephants on Sunday August 17th. You're welcomed to come with us if you want.
Tentative date?: Saturday, August 16th (First day of school holiday), but am open for other suggestions. Please check my calendar for availability.
Suggest a place! Previous gatherings were held at Putrajaya Taman Wetlands (2005), FRIM (2006) and my house (2007).
Suggest menu! Previous gatherings were always potluck, but no harm in changing it up a bit.
Looking forward to hearing from you :)
eh? apasal tak boleh comment? lets try again.
ReplyDeleteI have two appointments to do in August in KL, I hope e dates are around the dates that you're meeting up e bloggers, so boleh sibuk2 join :)
I'd get back to you once I get the two dates, insyaAllah.
actually kan, the blogger gathering tu bukan plan pun lagi. I guess I should edit my post to ask all the others whether they want to meet up somewhere. eheh heh
ReplyDeleteBut yeah, come lah join us if we meet up! I think Lollies will be around too.
madam, what application is this calendar you have?looks extremely handy. ke buat sendiri? :D
ReplyDeletefb me!
hanie -
ReplyDeleteek ele... photoshop aje lah.. :)
(read: buat sendiri)
Elisa, kalau ada masa jemputlah ke Shah Alam. Kasi tau awal2 kalau nak datang. Yanna mungkin ada Malaysia july ni. Boleh rasa koay teow mak teh dan banding dengan koay teow lau wan. Yang pastinya mak teh punya boleh makan tanpa waswas. Hehehe.
ReplyDeleteElisa...Have a good summer.This year I cuma jalan2 cari makan sekitar Lembah Klang as we have few things to settle in the area. Be safe ya...
ReplyDeleteYou sure have ur calendar full during home leave. Our calendar is always edited daily even despite grumblings from friends of hardly seeing us.
blogger gathering??? boy you are something :)
Have fun.
hi elisa...lame tak memblog..but i still do read hehehehe...kena amik mood balik... since last year at the last minute i this year i really would like to come.. count me in yaaa...
ReplyDeletemas aka uba
Kalau datang Penang, buzz me on FB okay... boleh gi memakan... kalau nak rasa authentic Kari Kepala Ikan, I can ask my mom to masak *wink*
ReplyDeletenaaaaaak ikuuuuttt... bagi tau nanti jumpa kat mana yaa.. elisaa.. jgn lupakan diah tau.. :P
ReplyDeleteHi nice reading your post