Monday, March 02, 2009

Anis is 7 :)

Anis had been counting down to her birthday since about a month ago. She had made this calendar at school. It had her drawing of the four seasons and a month-to-month tear away calendar stabled on it. She had been crossing out dates and reporting to me "its something-something more days to my birthday!".
Even then, I still forgot to make some cupcakes for her classmates on the day, and I forgot to plan a party.
I didn't forget to wish her though. That was the first thing I did when I saw her in the morning. She was all smiling and excited, humming tunes for an upcoming school production.

Even though Taufik was out at the customer's office from 9am till 4pm that day, he managed to squeeze in some time to make Anis a birthday card before he came home.

I thought that was really sweet of him. :)

I asked Anis what kind of cake she wanted and she said she wanted a chocolate cake and that she loved the walnut brownies I made last weekend. So I decided to make a brownie cake, in a round pan, slap on some whipped cream and arrange some marshmallows as decorations.

We had to wait for her to finish her dinner before we could cut the cake (because or else she'd be full on cake) and it took her forever! I had time to come upstairs, check on messages and read friends' FB statuses before she came up to tell me she was done with dinner and we could cut the cake.
She liked how the marshmallows look, but didnt like to eat it :P Izani, on the other hand, would happily help eat other people's marshmallows.
I cut up some leftover brownie-cake and put it in a tupperware for her to take to school the next day.

I hope she feels as special for the rest of her life like she did on her birthday.

Happy Birthday and I love you, little bear!


  1. Anonymous2:15 PM

    happy birthday anis!

    the brownie 'cake' looks superlicious!


  2. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Yesterday Cik Mi asked me whether I missed you guys and Cik Mi remarked that Anis is beginning to look like her.

    Give Anis a very big hug from me and everyone here.

  3. Happy Birthday Anis! May Allah Bless You :)

    p/s please send my wishes to her ye kak elisa

  4. A Very Happy Birthday To Anis.

    Cepatnya anak-anak membesar ya. Ahhh...the cake sure looks good.

  5. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Najwa read this post. Dia cakap "Even Anis had her birthday party already"


    Happy Birthday Anis! Che Na thinks you're the cutest specky girl ever.

  6. hope it's not that too late to wish her a very Happy 7th Birthday :)

    i think that card is sweet too..auww!

  7. Anis must feel really special. But I think after the scarecrow and red hood outfit, she knows it already. :)

    That was really sweet of Taufik.

    Happy birthday Anis. Can you give your portion of marshmallows.

  8. happy birthday sweet anis :)

    i wonder if she still remembers sofea

  9. Anonymous5:43 PM

    happy birthday, dearie. special? mestilah, mummy bake sendiri itu cake.
