'Some people' said that bloggers are mostly "unemployed liars", so here's your chance to prove them wrong.It's that time of the year again, when a bunch of us get together, and blog for one whole day on Malaysian Blogathon's blog, for charity.
This year, it's on Saturday 28th July 2007, and our resident blogathon organizer, primarybasic, has chosen Raudhatus Sakinah, a protection and guidance centre for young women, as the beneficiary of our efforts.
We need people to help us with posts. You can contribute posts even if you are not an efx2 blogger. Please go to Malaysian blogathon's blog to check out the schedule and see when you can contribute. Sunday morning slots are still open!
Tell us if you're interested and we'll contact you and give you the access details.
If you can't blog but want to sponsor us, here's what to do:
- Go to sponsor page for Raudhatus Sakinah.
- If you're logged in, you'll go right to the amounts page. Otherwise, you'll be given the option to sign up or log in.
- Choose how much you'd like to sponsor us for, and whether it's a lump sum, or an hourly amount. 100% of the sponsored amount goes to Raudhatus Sakinah.
- Decide how you'd like to appear on the site, and to your blogger (that would be primarybasic). You can be completely open, or completely anonymous. Either way, your email address is never published on the site (blogathon.org). See their privacy policy for details.
- Once we have successfully blogged for 24hours, you'll get an email reminding you to honor your pledge.
Easy Peasy Lemon Squeazy... :D
You can also follow our progress yourself (and lend us your moral support by leaving comments, while you're at it) by going to Malaysian blogathon on July 28th, starting 6pm (Malaysian time= +8GMT).
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Please do visit our page on facebook: BARANG BARANG BONDA
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11 years ago
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