Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saudi Moon

Dedicated to RotiKacangMerah.
(If you dont know yet, cik lin kita ni likes to collect pictures of full moons)

We saw this moon on our way back from our daily walk (in preparation for Hajj)(Maklumlah, kita dah gumux dan lama tak exercise) last Thursday.
When we(read: Taufik) were taking this picture, we heard a whirring sound from the back of the houses and saw these smoke columns billowing up. Rupa-rupa nya diorang tengah buat fogging kat luar.
"Ambik gambaq cepat!!" I told taufik and he took a picture before the smoke engulfed the moon, thus catching it in this thriller-like creepy looking pose.

I wish I had a zoom lense.. the moon looks so small in pictures. :P


  1. Awwww.... terharu niii. Lakibini pulak tu yang took this pic! *sniff*


    MasyaAllaaaah, even without a zoom lense, the moon looks so,so terang and clear!!!

    mujur i tak da sama kat situ. i would just bask myself under its light, and then terus pengsan kena fogging. hehe

    i link this entry to mine, can???


  2. Lin,
    Mula2 I suspen gak nak tanya taufik, nanti dia tanya "Nak buat apa??"
    But then I just said "Amik gambar bulan ngambang, jom?"
    Dia pun, "jommmmmm" terus amik tripod and camera.. heh heh

    Link? caaannnn.....!!

  3. Awwww.... siap with tripod????

    Double terharu you guyyyyssssss *sniff sniff, blink blink eyes, group hug!*

  4. Elisa,

    I came from Kak Teh's Sentraal. Indeed it is such a beautiful sight. Thanks for sharing.

    p/s Read in your previous post you will be going for Haj. Alhamdulillah...and InshaAllah Haji Mabrur.

  5. cantiknyaaaa. Kalahlah kak teh punya moon di London.

  6. Lin,
    Takdak tripod kalu... bergegar lah gambar iteww

    Ahlan! Selamat Datang :)
    and Thankyou for your du'a for Haji Mabrur. Insya-Allah I will attempt to do my best.

    Kak Teh,
    Mana boleh kalah... it's the same moon!
    Cuma kat Saudi tak ada clouds, so less interference. I bet London is very foggy ?

  7. Salam...

    I come across your blog...nice...may i link to mine?

    Semoga mendapat haji Mabrur...insyaAllah...

    Doakan saya :D

  8. Fakhzan,
    Yes sure, you may link my blog.. I will link you back! :)
    And terimakasih do'a kan haji mabrur.. Insya-Allah!

  9. cantik gambar tu! diorang kata sunat puasa 3 hari 13, 14 and 15 masa full moon.. errr.. my Fiqh Ustazah told us.

    Shahril cerita pasal jumpa Elisa kat MK masa the course..
    memang neeza nak sangat pergi.. masa nak register dgn Al Hamra tu, the organizer tu advise dia tak galakkan langsung utk pergi.. due to the condition there.. since dia dah banyak experience.. takpelah.. Insyaallah, kalau ada rezeki, next year lah.. Shahril boleh teman as a mahram.. tolong doakan ya.. :)

  10. Neeza,
    Masa elisa ternampak dia, elisa dok pikir, familiar gila mat nih.. where have I seen him before? and then macam terbayang dia pakai baju melayu and songkok... pastu baru teringat your post about his birthday the day before.. heheheh.
    Takpelah, you all plan nak duduk lama lagi kat sini, kan? Insya-Allah, ada lah peluang nak pegi nanti.. and Shahril boleh lah guide since dia dah pegi dah. :)

  11. "labbaikallah hu malaibaiikk...."
    bila tu berlepas untuk iabadat haji tu?
    selamat pergi dan kembali dan semoga haji elisa suami isteri ( dan anak2 jika mereka ikut ) di terima Allah....

    the pic - moments well captured!

  12. Abe Id,
    Insya-Allah, Dec 4th nanti.
    Kids will be left with trusted friends, for the 10days we are away 'berjuang'.
    Please pray for our safety :) Thanx.

  13. Anonymous6:28 AM

    demi matahari apabila sinarnya di pagi hari
    demi bulan apabila ia mengiri
    demi siang hari apabila menampakkan dirinya
    demi malam apabila ia menutupi
    ALLAH telah mensukmakan kefasikan dan ketaqwaan
    Beruntung bagi yang mensucikan
    Merugi bagi yang mengotorinya

    Semoga ALLAH memberi mu Haji Mabrur

