Sunday, March 09, 2008

back from cairo

but as usual, I can't blog about it yet, because

... I've got a few loads of laundry to fold
... I am dying for some curry and sambal tumis ikan bilis
... the pictures are still on taufik's laptop
... I have to catch up on election news, idol news, family news

in summary though-
we only did half of the stuff I planned coz we all got sick one after another, but we did get to do the 'important' stuff like visit the pyramids, the museum, citadel and lots and lots of old mosques.
I have mixed feelings about cairo. I loved it, yet there were some parts of it that I loathed. We did enjoy ourselves though, despite falling sick.

more stories later, kay?


  1. Nice to note that you are safe back from Cairo. Yanna did messaged me that she met you and that you gave her some buah tangan. Hope her arrangement for you was OK. Let's hear more from you later.

  2. Mak teh, it was so wonderful to have met Yanna. She is such a lovely girl!
    Sayang tak sempat nak pegi jalan2 to her house even though she invited us over several times. Takper, insya-Allah kalau panjang umur, kita jumpa satu family, ya?

  3. Thanks! Yanna loves Cairo! When we went to visit her in 06, I pitied her, having to fend for herself with the harsh conditions of Cairo, so I persuaded her to come home to local schools, she refused. We sent her there when she was 14 (form 2)at her request. Now she's doing her Upper secondary pre Al-Azhar. She's in the Bouuth, international school for foreign students.
